Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Not A Normal Day At Practice

Today was a decent day. I woke up and I actually went into work early (Since I hate work with my whole heart and soul, it is a miracle . I finally finished my sample at work, thus my supervisor no longer bugs me. I came back to my apartment and played a lil' Max Payne ( Yup!!! I still play video game!!). Medora and I went to dinner. After dinner, this is where the interesting part comes.

I am 161 pounds and 5'9. I go to boxing training becuase I have a tournament coming up February 17th. One of my coaches ( we will call him A), brings in someone for us to spar. The guy he brings in is 210 lbs and has been fighting for about 6 years. We normally set up what intensity level we are fighting at, but not this time. Coach A just sends us in to spar with this cat. This dude just ends up eating us alive. He busted one kid's nose and flung the same person against the wall. He almost knocked another one out. He tried to bust me up but I was able to dodge and move. My mouth was bleeding a little but it was a only a smal knick on the inside of my mouth. I will admit that he hit me hard, waaaaaaaaaay harder than I ever expected. But I am no punk so I tried to give it to him. So I did earn his respect. Now, I have a crazy headache but it is all good. It was good to fight someone who was bigger, faster, and stronger than me. Now I know what to expect when I enter the tournament. No one is going to be 50 lbs heavier but at least I know I can take a punch.

Now I was pissed, especially because there were some females watching. Also, I am not used to losing. I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too competitive to be losing at anything. I hate when someone gets a better grade than me so you know my ego was hurting. My coach told me that I should not expect to be able to dominate. As long as I stood with him, I did well. And I did stand with him.

Medora came over and gave me a back rub. She made me feel better because my ego was dying.
I am still slightly pissed but since Duke vs UNC is on I am going to go. I will see you later.


Anonymous said...

Umm ur better than me, I ain't getting neat up for no charities LoL. Well good thing you're doing this because you want to. I love how Medora has to put that pep back in your step HaHa.


Waddie G. said...

Wow...I don't think it was fair for you to be against someone who is much bigger than you...I decided to take a weekly boxing class at my gym...It's pretty fun and I sweat a lot.