Me fighting at my tournament. I look like a champ in this one!!!
I had my first boxing match this Friday. I lost (i know jameil and cnel are a little disappointed. I may have lost but I gave it my all. If you could have seen it!!! We were fighting in there as if we hated each other!! I kept trying to knock him down but that kid kept getting up. He could take a punch!! He had 2 standing 8 counts and so did me. The ref ended up calling the fight because he could see that I just ran out of gas. After the first round, I just was burned out (there are only 3 rounds in amateur boxing). I kept fighting in the second round but about 20 seconds left I ran out of gas. I thought I could knock him out but he would not fall. No matter how many times I knocked him down, he got back up.I had him on the bottom rope but he just would not fall. Plus each punch in the second round got successively weaker due to my failing energy. The ref did not want me getting hurt so he called the fight.
I gave it my all in that damn ring. I really did so I have nothing to be ashamed of. I left everything in that ring. I hit harder than I have ever hit. I worked harder in that ring last nite than I have ever worked at anything in my life. So I accomplished something. Not too many people have the fortitude to get into a ring and fight. It takes some biiiiiiiiiiiiggggg balls to fight. I am not ashamed of losing. After the ref called the fight, I told my coach that tried my hardest. My coach smiled said that was all that I needed to do.
So now my neck hurts and I have a headache. But I am happy.
ain't nobody disappointed you lost. that's HOT that you fought. i would like to take kickboxing, but on the gloves and all. look all cute and laila ali-like, but actually fight? nah.. i'm cool.
I'm with Jameil. We're proud of you. Would CNEL diet? Naw, I'd pass. Would CNEL train? Possibly. Would CNEL fight? Then buddy my track skills would come in. I ain't no punk but ya'll would see me jogging round the ring.
thanxs!! at first i felt a lil down bc my competitive streak wont allow me to take a loss well. i talked to the kid afterwards. he has more fights then me . he was like "man, you hit hard." i could tell hewas tellin the truth bc i left his black. i am not scarred too much. i got a scratch on my lip and nose. but i gave everything friday nite so i am not mad
Hey, that's dope! Nic pic. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Guess sore muscles are going around. :)
wow - your boxer? good luck and congrats on the fight ... im sure you will have many more to win - we all have to "lose" a lil'
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