Thursday, March 27, 2008

News Addiction

I seriously have a news addiction. It is taking over my life. I read 3 newspapers daily. Then I read Yahoo news throughout the day. I read all day. Then I have the tv on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC (I watch Fox so I can be "fair and balanced"). I cannot help it. I cannot go 3 hours without watching the news. If I do, I get that crackhead twitch. I start feening for the news.

But seriously, I have to know what is going on in the world. I can't be without my information. It really is an essential part of my day.

I guess it could be worse. I could be addicted to sex, drugs, and hip-hop.

Oops. Too late on two of them.


Eb the Celeb said...

You actually read a I cant remember the last time I have actually picked up a paper... I read all my news online... So much for the old people saying that our generations our making newspapers extinct... we still have a couple newcomers out there reading them!

Brittany said...

I read the paper too sometimes. They have them free at my school so when I have the chance I pick them up to read. I'm surprised at how much people don't know that is going on.

Tabu said...

The news paper starts my day. I think it's habit.

I like to be informed, but not quite as much as you!

Jameil said...

CRACKHEAD. LMAO @ "fair and balanced." black people always feel the need to explain their fox watchin. you should watch suze orman too. which 3 papers do you read?

NegroPino™ said...

See i knew i liked you for a reason....I too read about 3 different news papers, go online to CNN or MSN to look up local and national news.

Anonymous said...

Eb - I am one the few, the proud who still read the newspaper.

Brittany - Im not surprised people dont know what is going on. It is sad however

Tabu - Im addicted!!!

Jameil - I dont have to explain. I watch Fox to get the conservative viewpoint.

Negropino - It has DEFINITELY been awhile since you have commented!!!

who? said...

I only read 1 paper and thats the Philadelphia Weekly. I can read it online, but I only do when an article catches my eye that much.

Too late on two of them... What? Drugs and hip hop? being addicted to sex is bull IMO