Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Me and My Kids

I want kids.

I am dead serious. I want some children. I have always said that I wanted kids and I want more than one. Give me a tribe of kids. I am trying to start a nation!!!!

Being a parent is beautiful. Everytime I see someone with their kid, I get a little jealous. Aint that some ish?? Its weird. I get all sentimental when I see bloggers talking about their kids (Supa Sista and BK Diva and Kathi). I just want to have a family. I would even adopt a kid if I was not married. I just feel that being a parent is the best and greatest sacrifice you could have. There is no relationship like a parent-child relationship.

But guess who would have to be the godfather? None other than Cnel. Thats my homeboy and he is very very responsible. I am trying to leave my kid in capable hands. Here is what he would have to do:

1. Remember every bday and holiday
2. Take my kids on the weekends
3. Buy clothes and stuff
4. Have "the talk"
5. Babysit when I go out on dates (he aint busy)
6. Go to graduations
7. Beat up bullies
8. Teach him/her how to ride a bike
9. Teach them how to drive (I aint going through that scray experience.

I am just tryna keep it really really simple.


CNEL said...

LoL I'll gladly be the Godfather/Uncle to your kids.

I would have to agree that I am pretty responsible, and even selfless. I'm better with the lives of others than my own.

But I have a few problems
4) They might be having the talk with me haha.
5) I can get into a lil something, you ass.
7) I don't do much fighting, aren't you the boxer?
8)Ummm I never learned to ride a bike LoL, so ummm yea about that you better ask Q to teach em.
9) This I can handle, cause by then I should have a car LMAO, and practiced my damn self.

NegroPino™ said...

AW somebody is feeling paternal are we? I have taht feeling every now and again..and as fast as it comes, it goes. I have 3.5 nieces, and 2 nephews and a god kid. Im actually scared to bring children into this world. I am scared I wouldnt make a good mother. At times I wonder how my little seeds would come out.im very curious to taht. WEll i hope u are succesful in your pursuit. Just dont get no chicken head knocked up.....

NegroPino™ said...

Furthermore, I think Fatherhood is sexy. My heart melts everytime I see a man with his seed(s)

Ms.Honey said...

Babysit when you go out on dates LOL..I hope you mean with your wife LOL..you are crazy. Being a godparent is fun...I'm one and I spoil her then send her home LOL...then again I know when she gets older (she's almost 2) she is gonna want stuff from me that her mom won't give her..but hey I'm the godmother not the mom

Anonymous said...

babies are fun indeed ... but i work at a daycare and well ... its the best form of birth control ever ... i want kids i do ... but i wont be in that group of young folks havin babies just to have them ... droppin them off with dirty faces and dirty diapers and pickin them up 15 minutes late ... whats the point?its sad that i know more about some folks kids then they do :(

Jameil said...

LMAO!!!!! hilarious. when i see babies and cute kids i think i want them, like i've always thought, but when i see the bad rugrats who set their parents' houses on fire and flunk out of school, i get wary of the idea. but i have some years and i need to get married before i have to make a decision.

Anonymous said...

Cnel - And this is why you have been selected!!

Negropino - I wont get a chicken head knocked up. I am just saying that I want to be a parent. I can wait until the appropriate time.

Honey Libra - Being a godparent allows you to spoil 'em and send them home. Those are the best kids, the ones u can return!! lol j/k

Amber - I wont be having mine just to be having them. I just know that eventually, I want some kids

Jameil - You got some time. Having kids is a risk, you wont know whether you got good ones or bad ones until it is too late.

kathi said...

At your age, I thought I never ever wanted kids. Now, they are my best friends and I honestly can't think of anything else in my life that has brought me more laughter and joy.

As for cnel, he'll have to be there to wipe a tear and be a confidant too. You know what I say, darlin, parenting isn't for cowards...