I have definitely been neglecting you all on the comings and goings of my life: So here it comes.
I have been borderline psychotic because of the lack of "melanin-enriched" people at my school. I just get like that sometimes. But otherwise, I am doing well. Classes are going fine. I got a 95% on my Francophone Cultures test. I am doing B+ work in my other classes. I just cannot complain.
My RA job is another issue. I have RAs who keep trying to pop me for drinking. The only problem is that I am not drinking. So why do they keep trying? If Res Life finds my blog the hear this: KEEP THE HATERS AND STALKERS OFF MY BACK. Seriously though, I have RAs constantly talking about what I am doing. There are rumors about me having sex with my residents, drinking with them and some other ish. I am not having sex with the residents (there are a few cute ones though ;). I did give one a lap dance though ;) I am not drinking. So I am trying to not feel paranoid about it. But the job is still enjoyable. I am still having fun with it.

There are several women I guess I am the flirting stage with. I may have to create a glossary.

I'm proud of you for all the good work you're doing.
I don't understand why they're trying to bust you for crap you're not doing, but don't let it get you down.
Any video's of that lap dance? Too funny.
why are RAs such haters? its like they've always been the uncool kids and can't take it when a cool kid infiltrates!!!
Stop flirting with your residents fool. HaHa. You're all adults, you just have to remember to be responsible, set a good example, and act ethically.
Kathi~ I wish I had video!! I dont get it either.
Jameil~ I dont get it either. They complain that I go out to the club. They complain that I have parties w/o drinking. I cant do ish.
Cnel~ I do not flirt with my residents!! Maybe a lil! But does giving them lap dances count as acting ethically?
Babe, that picture is nearly as good as a video, and the girl you're "humping" has one happy smile on her face. ;)
It looks like you're having a good time with your residents, hmmmmmmmmm, nothing wrong with that and tell the haters to step off, us bloggers have your back :)
LOL..I use to love my RA's they were a blast
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