Friday was good. I went to class and that was ok. I did not have to go to work but I still get paid so I am all smiles for that!! We had snow up here so I had a huge snowball fight with some people right outside of my building. I did that for a few hours and then went to this even that the school hosted. It was like a pampering night so I went. I first did yoga. I am officially a yoga fan. I felt relaxed, at ease, and all Zen and ish. If you ever get a chance, do a yoga class. That ish is good for you. Then I went and got a massage. The massage was surprisingly good. It was done by sports therapy students. At first I was a lil worried but it was all good. Then I went and got a manicure. My nails definitely needed to get clipped and I figured that since I can go here and get a cute girl to clip them for free, why not.
Saturday was even better. I played some tackle football in the snow and got my exercise on. I looked like Marshall Faulk in his prime out there.!! Hahahaha j/k. I was kinda lazy for the rest of the day. I went to dinner at Olive Garden with some friends because it was someone's bday. After that I threw a party at my place.
This party was off the hook. Having a stripper pole in my living room tends to bring the freak outta everyone. I had some girls over who definitely loved the pole. And then there were some who just loved me!!! I am just gonna leave it like this: I definitely did not miss the signals this weekend!! Hahahaha! Buts eriously, people were at my place until 5am. I had to force people to leave!! I need to have parties a lil more often if I am gonna get that kind of response!!
I did finish one dare: I have a picture of a girl I have a crush on (if that is what you wanna call it).

Gone and get your crush on, Epsi! I aint madatcha!
That snowball fight sounded like hella fun, but of course, we almost never get snow in central/south Texas. Not a lick of snow anywhere, and it's supposed to be late Fall/early Winter here.
You've put the pole back up? Been trying to locate me one so I can get my ball rolling, LOL! Have a good day and see you later!
HaHa snowball fight. Boo cold I hate the cold.
But oh back to you.
You and that pole, LoL.
The crush seems hot, looks and personality too, that don't always come together.
Play your hand right, and another Vanessa might come along.
Vanessa is a cutie, so since it's a crush...hmmmmmmmm, what does it mean to you? She seems sweet. Great post...I don't know about playing in the snow, i'm reading this and already feeling cold, brrrrrrrrr :)
You are such a sweetheart. Really, I want to be your mom, I'm that proud of you.
JoJo - I put the pole back up and put it to work!!!
Cnel - Me and that pole are friends!!! I need me a Vanessa, especially after a situation came up.
delaleuverses - I dont know what it means. I just am really feelin her.
Kathi - Thanx!!!!
She is very cute.....
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