Friday, August 11, 2006

Life Is A Bitch

Listening To:
Lenny Williams - 'Cause I Love You

Before I start, Humanity Critiv, I am using your sense of humor. I am sorry but it fits all to well. This means I may be offensive to many people. I apologize in advance

Yesterday was the worse day ever. I can really say that because it is true. I mean it couldnt get any worse than what it was. If I had prayed to God and said, "Please give me a the shittiest day possible" I would not have gotten the day that I had. Let me tell you......

I wake up to the sound of the news reporter talking about an attempted terrorist attack on a plane. All I could think is "oh shit. Sunday is gonna be a bitch trying to return to school. Why couldnt the terrorist hold on until after I made it to school. Keep your damn turbans on!!" Only if I knew this was only the beginning of my troubles. So I scramble to figure out when I need to get ready and to make sure my flight has not changed. I also am still trying to find a ride from the airport to the school.

I get online to read the news and check email. I get an IM from her. If you dont know who her is, then read this entry.

She tells me that a girl emailed her with convos that me and this chick supposedly had. This chick had found me on myspace and somehow has my screenname. So we chatted because I am too nice. Now what she said we chatted about was made up. There was some info in these convos I dont give to people. I am nice but not gullible. So this stalker bitch (I mean this in every evil negative connotation that has ever been created by mankind) creates some shit, gets her name, address, screenname, and email address some how. So her is omega-chi-phi pissed because we are suppose to be trying to get back together (Cant a brother get a piece from someone since we aint together?? Thats a whole 'nother issue). So I am angry. I mean pissed. I feel as if my privacy has been raped. I deleted all my college friends off myspace. If you currently go to my school, then I removed them. This is because Stalker-Bitch got the info from a supposed friend of mine. Well that friend better hope I dont find out who it is. Because Ima put the hands on someone for crossing me. If its a female, then Ima call some chicks I know to ride up to Erie. And these arent the most classiest people I roll with.

And I know how it is gonna go down. Her is gonna believe what stalker-bitch said and I am gonna come out the loser. So I talk to her and she is mad because she doesn't know the chick.

I go get ready to leave because I go out with a friend to dinner. On my way, I get hemmed up by the police. See, I suffer from a disease. It is called Black-male-itis. Being a drak complected person with a penis means that I have committed past crimes that I haven't been caught for and thus I deserve to eat concrete. So I am forced on the ground to eat concrete because I fit the profile:
Black male; 3feet to 8 feet tall; 50-900 pounds; has either cornrows, locks, short hair cut, or bald or any hair style imaginable, light skin to Crayola black complexion
So after that, I am on the light rail. The bomb squad stops the train and brings a dog aboard. Well seeing that my day has already gone so beautifully, the gargoyle-breath having dog almost eats my face. So audience, what does that mean???? I get taken off the train by 4 officers and questioned. I then get taken into a nearby building and searched. Then they let me go.

Dinner went well. Wow. Yipppeee-kai-yay mutherfucker.

I return home and Stalker-Bitch IMs me. I proceed to spazz out with the authority of God!! I mean this chick caught the brunt of it. It didnt help she tried to play dumb. Then she proceeds to tell me she was doing her a favor. I really lost it. Then I called her. Long story short, we probably are not going to work things out and she refuses to talk to me. So now I have sworn off dealing with women. This does not mean that I have forever forsaken women, but I need a break. I mean I cant get shit!! I try to not chase, I catch hell. When I chase women I catch hell. Who would have thought that the time I tell a female no, she destroys everything I work so hard for.

So now I am at home listening to Lenny Williams. Wow, I cannot wait to get back to college. Can it get any worse???


Anonymous said...

i dont know if anything i can say will help ... but the same thing happened to me ... a girl im'd me about the guy i am dating ... and for whatever reason it made me furious ... i think mainly because it caught me off guard ... and i didnt understand how someone could be so cruel someone i didnt even know ... i know you said youre givin up on girls which may be true ... but maybe give her a few days to chill ... and then try and talk about it ... if the trust is real ... she'll understand ... if not ... well continue on with the givin up girls for a bit... hope this helped ... and hope your saturday is much better ...

Rashan Jamal said...

Damn, that really was the day from hell. It can only get better from here though.

NegroPino™ said...

HOmie it can always be worse.....thats why i dont be tryna have personal convos over IM, PM, me......the internet can get u in trobule..hell my aunt did a reverse look up for hte broad my uncle was cheating on her with and BOOM showed up at her crib at friggin 3 in the morning.........and ppl wonder why i wont get a Myspace page....

Discombobulated Diva said...

Hey, just remember what goes around comes around... so for that person who was messing things up for you and ur ex... well, they'll eventually get theirs... and maybe next time they'll mind their own damn business...

But you can still try, give her some time to cool down and absorb the entire situation, she may come around...

Ms.Honey said...

Man, this kind of email crap must be going around. I feel ya we need to have a virtual drink together LOL

Prophetess said...

Don't give up on women, Epsi. The stalker is just one bad apple in the barrel, and like they say: One monkey don't stop no show! Get your chase on, Eps. Just because the stalker chick got a few words in edge wise doesn't mean you're not the author of your book anymore, you dig me? And because she butted in, I would think that that would make you want your ex girl back even madder than before.

Do you love your ex? If you do, then don't let a nitwit spewing virus run under you for that, okay?

Good deal. It'll all get better.

If I'da had some Mace, I'da maced the shit out the police dog. Hey; animals aint too good to get an ass whooping, too, you know?

Come visit me soon.

Anonymous said...

amber ~ Thank you for ur good wishes. Your words have definitely been taken to heart.

t.cas ~ That day definitely was rough.

negropino ~ theinternet got me in trouble and i tried to avoid it.

Dicombombulated Diva ~ I hope she does come around

Honey ~ Just let me know what we sippin!!!

Jojo D ~ That dog almost caught it. But it was too many officers to risk getting Rodney King'ed. Its hard not to get discouraged though.

CNel~ The one time I wasnt chasing a female ad I get in trouble. Whenever I chase some tail it never gets me into any situations. When I finally decide to not chase, I catch hell.

Thats why I am afriad of getting my license. I am always running into to the police. I dont even do no criminal shit!!

Lenny Williams is the shit!! But I need to take Madea's advice and stgop listening to that ole' school. Madea said it can make the toughest man cry and we know im not tryna go there.

Jameil said...

oh that is some BULLLLLLLLSHIT!! damn... DAMN!! oh hell no. i'm pissed for you. i love how you're gonna bring your less classy friends up. except you can't be around to see it now b/c you've put it on the net. but i'm sure knowing will be half the battle. and if this is the worst day, then YAY! its over! if SHE doesn't wanna hear it, believes someone she doesn't know over you, then... you need to step back right now.

Supa said...

"spaz out with the authority of God"

aww man!

Hope your days have improved since this entry...I was givin you a holla to let you know I ganked one of your favorite quotes today..

Keep ya head up, brotha!

*snake*bite* said...

That is some crazy shyt!
Some people just don't know when to leave shyt alone especially personal stuff - Like Discombobulated Diva said What goes around comes around!
By the time it comes round to that stalker chic its prob gonna 10 times worse
take care

kathi said...

My dad once told me 'there's nothing so good it couldn't get better and nothing so bad it couldn't get worse'...uplifting, huh?

Damn, guy. That completely sucks. What I don't get, though, is how her could know how much you care about her and still believe some stranger...does her go to your school?

Anonymous said...

Jameil ~ I am def. glad that day was over too. It was horrible. I have stepped back.

Big Daddy Kane ~ I am keeping the hope alive. It sure still is alive.

Supa ~ You have done my quote justice!!!

Snake bite - She will get it probably. I am not even bitter.

Kathi - "Her" does go to my school.