Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just A Little Ticked...

I believe that my coworkers and me have finished our honeymoon period. Here is the situation.

First, my job has a special situation. It provides housing for the vast majority of the faculty. Thus, not only do we work together we also live in the same apartment building. This means that we share professional lives and private lives.

Recently, a line has been crossed. I had a female friend stay with me for a few days. I introduced her to my coworkers and and all of us went to dinner.

The problem came later.

After my friend left, my coworkers start asking questions about if I had slept with her. Now my friend is attractive. I didn't sleep with her so thats what I told them. They started giving me the side eye. I could care less. I know the truth so I did not even stunt what they were saying.

Fast forward to Tuesday night.

We are all out at a bar. We were there for about several hours. Everyone was starting to feel good. I know I was a little buzzed. We were talking about what sexual chemistry. Now, one coworker said that he has to feel something. I said sexual chemistry has nothing to do with love. It has to do with how comfortable people are with themselves and thus their willingness to explore. I said I know this from experience. The wife of a coworker was surprised and told me I shouldn't say that. I told her "their opinion of me is not important. I do not do things and feel ashamed. I do not hide. Their judgment does not matter". People gave me a look.

It is true. I have only known these people for 6 months. I have friends who support and love me. My coworkers are not the only people I spend time with.

Later, one of my coworkers started to talk trash a little bit. He is from Long Island and he always gets a little rough when he drinks. So he starts to bring up my friend. Now that I had a little drink in my system, I was peeved. So I told him this: "I answer only to God, my mom, and my girlfriend. Fuck the rest of you".

I was pissed because they keep bringing this up. I still am a little pissed. First of all, quit accusing me, especially if you are only assuming. I am innocent. Secondly, man-law states that you do not put yourself in the relationship of another man. One of my best friends cheated and we did not talk about it until he felt willing to vent. You just do not involve yourself in someone else's relationship. This makes me want to keep a little distance with them. if I need someone to judge me, I will ask


Hadassah said...

You just do not involve yourself in someone else's relationship. This makes me want to keep a little distance with them. if I need someone to judge me, I will ask.

Thats my motto!

Lyrically speaking said...

wow, honeymoon with them is REALLY over, lol, talk about drama