Saturday, January 17, 2009

Brooklyn Girl/ Day n Night

Here are two songs that I have been bumping recently from some artists who are not quite famous yet.

This dude is Charles Hamilton. I "created" a remix to it called "Cleveland Girls". I dedicated it to the gf who is from Cleveland and to all my friends who are from Cleveland. I have several of Charles Hamilton's mixtapes. They are definitely hot.

This is Kid Cudi. His song does not have an official video but there are several remixes already. I prefer the original. This joint would have me in club dancing, eben though the lyrics are depressing.


Rashan Jamal said...

i like the first one, I haven't heard of him before. I'm slacking on my new music.

the second one? I'll pass.

Lyrically speaking said...

these videos are cool, the first one is my favorite...CONGRATS on being the winner of the Lyrical Bullets contest...