Tuesday, July 01, 2008

New Job Lessons

I started teaching Monday. I have learned a whole lot in the past two days. It is quite an experience. Here are some of the things I have learned so far

  • "Just remember that you know more than they do" - advice from a coworker
  • Structure is important for the kids. They really want and need it.
  • The mothers will flirt. Just say hi and smile
  • The kids think that I am older than I am.
  • They still attempt to treat me like I am a sibling
  • Kids actually believe in you.
There are alot more but I cannot think. This is really going well. I am enjoying myself. I really am. Today they asked me to play basketball. I did not play an actual game. I just took a few shots and they were amazed. I like most of the kids. I actually like them all, I just don't like some of the behaviors they display. One is really sarcastic so I had to take away his recess.

"The most important lesson I learned today was that leaving your hands in your pocket when dealing with police will get you shot" - one of my students talking to his classmate during lunch about my class


kathi said...

What grade are you teaching? I LOVE teaching, love it!

Brittany said...

Wow! Another teacher. I would like you to blog about this more. Very interesting.

Eb the Celeb said...

let me find out the mothers are attacking the teachers...

Rashan Jamal said...

That is an important lesson.. Also raise your hands slow and in a non threatening manner...

Good luck on the teaching. We need more people that care.

p_nami said...

I see you've begun on a good note! Can't wait to hear more about your post-school life.

Have a great 4th, eat lots of food, and RELAX

Jameil said...

good lesson to learn!!!! learn early! geez. that's a jacked up thing for a kid to have to know. awful. i love teachers!! and i'm glad you like it! we need more black men in the classrooms!! fab!!

CNEL said...

I am happy you are teaching, however I'm still going to pray for your kids.

You will never be invited to anything else which involves my non-St. Iggy or YAR friends ever.Thanks.