My mom's name is Stephanie. She is 44 years old I think. She lives in Baltimore Maryland, one of the greatest places in the world if you ask me. She likes to read a lot. We kind of trade books with each other. She is just fun to be around. She can't stay up late if her life depended on i though ahahahah!!! She does have an attitude. I f you cross her, she can wrought vengeance on that ass!!!!
Me and my mother have gone through a lot. My childhood was rough. We have been through a lot. From homeless to a lot of other shit. I love my mom so much that I stabbed someone when I was in the 3rd grade who put their hands on her (one of her ex-boyfriends). Lets say we never saw him after that. But no matter what has happened, she has been there as much as she could. She is my biggest supporter. She may not like some of my decisions but she is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure me and my younger brother made it. When there wasnt enough food, me and my bro ate and she didnt. We had clothes when necessary. Ever since my mom has gotten clean, we have been able to get past the old pains and become closer. People can't say ish about my mother because she is the bomb!!!!
Her Fiancee: His name is Lenwood. He is about 45 I think. He is also a twin. I like him alot. He does a lot with my brtoher. He can be a handful but Lenwood keeps him in line. He supports my younger brother and encourages him. Me and Lenwood are working on getting a little closer. I really do like him He is one the best examples of a man that I know.
Here is just a small part of my family.
yay! families are great.
Aww I talked to my mommie yesterday....I would stabb a B*&^% if they hit her LOL....
MAkes me wanna call my mommy...the last time we talked wasnto n good terms....
Step dads can be great, they can be bad.
HOpe it works out for ya
Damn...in the 3rd Grade!
Thats so very gangsta.
I'm sure your Mom is so proud of you; as much as you are proud of her.
Moms are great people. But even greater than that are great sons who love their great Moms.
You're a good a son, Epsi.
Wow, I've got more respect for you now than I did 5 minutes ago. I stand with your mom in pride, hon. I'd be proud to claim you, and I'll stand up for you anytime you need me.
LoL 44 ya think. I'mma need you to know.
Ms. Stephanie is great. Your mom is def your # 1 fan.
LoL Q looks a lil like Lenwood if you ask me.
Your mother sounds like a beautiful woman and exudes the traits that make you want one just like her. You're very lucky and it's nice that you've taken the time to acknowledge her with such beautiful accolades.
Jameil - Families sure are great
Honey - Lol
Negropino - He is a good dude I dont have no complaints about him.
Dont opress me - Thats not to prove my gangsta. Thats to show that since she made sacrifices for m, I would always sarcrifice for her.
jojo - I am proud of her. I try to be a good son
Kathi - thanx!!!
Cnel - You know I am getting senile at my age!! Hhahahaha!
Blujewel - than for visiting. Keep coming back.
First visit... I'll be back
I'm loving your Mom and future stwpdad. I love the love you have for your mother. It's cool that you're finding common ground with Lenwood. You are a gracious son and need to be big upped for that.
Kudos to you.
Baltimore is cool. I hang out there sometimes. I won't say that it's the GREATEST place in the world. But I'm okay with it.
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