Monday, May 04, 2009

5 Year Reunion

I had my 5 year high school reunion this weekend. I went to a private Quaker school here in Baltimore. There were several surprises:

1. I actually like my classmates
Seriously, I thought when I graduated, there would only be a few people I would like. I thought my classmates were immature (Im sure they felt the same about me). However sitting with them Saturday, I had a realization: they have turned out to be really good people. I really believe my classmates to be good folk. I would actually call them up for a drink just for fun. They turned out into some genuine, nice, caring people. I was surprised and just felt glad I went to my reunion.

2. Several of my female classmates look good
My female classmates are attractive. I was surprised. I knew we had some lookers but it seems like they have just gotten better with age. I am very surprised. Me and some of the fellas were definitely caught staring. There was one classmate who went to Howard. I was dancing with her and it caught me by surprise. I whispered in her ear, "You must have learned some new tricks at Howard.". She smiles and said 'I taught some tricks at Howard". I left well enough alone. I am going to keep it simple: My female classmates are lucky I have a girlfriend.

3. Many of them stayed local
I figured most of my classmates would have been spread across the country. In high school, they seemed to be the wandering type. The broke struggling artist who roams city to city. Not at all. Most are right here in Baltimore. I am surpised by that

Overall, I really like how my class has turned out. I am soooooo glad I went to the reunion. 

PS: Check out the blog C-Nel and I share, Two Brothers 


Rashan Jamal said...

Never went to any of my reunions, I saw some of the old classmates in college, but the rest, only on facebook.

CNEL said...

Now I have to recap my own.

Jameil said...

wow! you're making me feel like i should go to my own reunion.

kathi said...

I've not gone to one of my reunions...and I regret it. Now, of course, they're 900 miles away, but still...from all the reports I get, they're worth traveling for.