Me and my beautiful woman on our way to Spring Formal.
I normally do not do this but I am feeling it right now. My girlfriend and I had a deep conversation Thursday night. It was one of those conversations that demonstrated one of the millions of reasons why I love her. I came to her and she helped me understand that I should never have to feel like I need to"perform". What I mean is that there is nothing special that I need to do in order to be good to her. All I have to do is be myself. That is what makes me great. It is not something that I have to do. It is what I am doing right now. That convo was one of those that made me feel all warm and mushy inside (CNel, yeah I said!!). I don't know if she is going to read this blog entry but I dedicate it to her. I am the luckiest man. Indeed I am.
PS: Aint that the finest sistah and brotha you done ever seen!!! LOL Hahahahahaha just kidding. But seriously, the suit is sharp!
Awww that was beautiful. I'm glad that you found Medora, cause she is there to keep you honest. WoW hmmm nobody's ever made GWill this deep before, not that I can recall. But oh yea, get rid of that cane, who do you think you are, SupaFly?! You better be good to her, cause if you falter CNEL will be here to remind you.
There is nothing like being in love with someone who you truly admire & respect... nothing... except maybe being with someone as goodlooking as you ;)
She's a cutie...
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