Monday, November 30, 2009

The Dead Hour

I love my job. I really do. I know I said that last time when I was teaching but this time I really do. However, there is one problem I have.

3pm hits and this office becomes soooooooooo none productive. I feel the after-lunch -itis kicking in. No one is at their desk. Jokes being cracked. This place becomes completely useless. So my daily schedules is pretty simple: Work until 3pm. After that, I am useless.I should just bring in a cot and crash.

Does anyone else have a workplace like this.

1 comment:

kathi said...

Nope, I'm swamped until 4:55 when the switchboard kicks over to voicemail and I'm free to make a run for it. However, I DO love my job. You and I are both blessed there.