Sunday, October 05, 2008

I Hate To Admit...

Here are 5 things that I hate to admit about myself but I know are true. This should be an interesting list.

1. I am always right
This I hear from my best friend Cnel. He says that I know everything and that I believe I am always right. We had a debate about some issues recently (He is more conservative than I am. He is Bill Cosby to my Huey Newton) and he brought that point up. I disagreed but in my heart of heart I know its true. However, I do believe it has gotten better the more mature I have gotten.

2. I am stubborn
This goes right along with the first one. If someone tries to force me to do something, I will do the total opposite, just to be an ass. It is not one of my nicer qualities at all. I have frustrated many a girlfriend with that. One specific ex still talks about it. This is something that has vastly improved with the current girlfriend. She said so the last time I talked to her :-)

Women, praise your men. When they do something or improve on a bad habit, praise them. We really like feeling as if our efforts are appreciated. It makes us continue to improve when we see that you notice those changes.

3. I have trust issues with women
I have no clue why this is so. I cannot recall a woman who has done something terribly dishonest to me. I have not been cheated on (as far as I know). Yet, there are times when I find myself doubting the fidelity of the person I am with. My girlfriend nor any girlfriend I have had has ever done anything suspicious. But in the back of my mind, a thought will pop up. A little seed of doubt. It may only show for a second yet I feel bad when it comes up. I do not start checking email accounts or anything.

4. I am not athletically-gifted at all
I have played sports since middle school. I love sports and enjoyed playing them. Yet never has anyone called me athletically-gifted. As much as I try to talk a good game about my physical prowess on any playing field or in a ring, I am not gifted at all. I get by on effort and hustle when it comes to athletics. The only sport I have done where I could even remotely be honest and call myself gifted is boxing. I had good footwork, quick hands and could take a punch. Other than that, I have been fronting my whole life.

5. I may never grow a full face of hair
I truly what to have a beard. I really do. But as of now, I cannot grow one. There are kids in high school who grow more facial hair than me! So sad. No one wonder the parents of my students confuse me with other students.


Rashan Jamal said...

1. You aren't always right, because I'm always right. LOL

2. I'm not as stubborn as I used to be, but I still have my moments.

3. I have trust issues with people in general. I think most people are liars

4. I'm not coordinated at all. I used to like football cuz i could just run over people.

5. I have too much facial hair. I didn't get it until age 19 though. LOL

kathi said...

Full of yourself much? Lol, Always right? Hon...c'mon.

1. I have no problem admitting I'm wrong. And even when I'm right, sometimes I keep it to myself because it's just not worth arguing over because there are some people who will never admit (or see) that they're why bother. :)

2. Having kids and wanting to set a good example, I make a point of being fair and refuse to be stubborn. Their dad was stubborn (and never ever wrong, in his own mind) and it was very hard to live with. I don't want my kid's future wives or children to have to go through what we did.

3. Yes, I have HUGE trust issues with people, HUGE.

4. Ditto. I'm decent at basketball, played in high school and still play with the boys and people in my neighborhood. Seriously, I'm a clutz, regardless of the size of a doorway, I'll run into it. :)

5. Yeah, no facial hair here. Casey had to start shaving in the 8th grade, Charlie still barely needs to.

nikki said...

1. i admit i'm wrong, but i don't have to like that shit, and i DON'T.

2. i'm not stubborn, but i think i need to be MORE stubborn.

3. my sexual history pretty much guarantees distrust of men on the whole, but i've been working on this cuz it has really prevented me from having a really meaningful relationship.

4. i'm the opposite. it's like i have a natural athleticism. i might be a newbie at something, but i pick up stuff quick and can do well if i practice. now ask me if i've actually stuck to any of those endeavors? NO, i haven't. lol

5. there is a lone hair on my chin i have to keep plucked. NOT A GOOD LOOK.

Lyrically speaking said...

Stopping by to say hello, thanks for the visit, i'll be back to read more

Jameil said...

none of you are always right unless you are agreeing with me. how is praising a tangent after stubborn???? lmao @ you not being athletically gifted. hilarity. some people don't have facial hair. it's alright. work w/what you got but please don't have those 2 little hairs. That looks SO sad! lol

p_nami said...

I am always We all seem to think that.

Work on those trust issues. It's a beautiful thing to feel completely open with someone and trust them 100%...or so I've heard;)

Don't worry about the facial hair...when you're 50 and look 32 you will be thankful!

Ms.Honey said...

The first step in recovery is admittance lol