Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Back In Business

I am good now. No more chickenpox. I am no longer contagious!! I started class on Monday and it actually feels good to be back. That cabin fever started to kick in like none other. I would sneak out the apartment just to get some air. It is difficult catching up however; I hardly did any work while sick.

Graduation is almost here. I have a bunch of friends that are coming up and I am excited!! The freedom train is on the way!

Congrats to Obama! He won N. Carolina by 14 percentage points. He barely lost Indiana but thats ok. I do believe Hillary should quit. Mathematically, there is no way she can win. Also, if she does get the nomination, it would tear the party apart. The perception would be that party leaders, not the people, chose the candidate. And we all know that perception is everything.

We essentially had show and tell for my Archaeological Theory class. We had to bring in a piece of material culture. Our discussion was about how things and humans interact. Objects are manifestations of ideas and relationships. My stripper pole represents a lot. This is what the professor said:
  • My social status: It is very expensive and many people chipped in to buy it. It shows my ability to bring in resources, which is very high.
  • It also represents in general, my friendship with these people.
  • It represents a commercial transaction between men and women
  • It also represents gender relations
  • It is also represents a power relationship between women and men
  • It also demonstrates how I relate to the opposite sex
  • There was also a discussion on how the form and the pole itself gives meaning to the object
It was quite insightful. I never looked at an object like that. So now I am sitting in my apartment analyzing everything. And there is a lesson in archaeological theory


Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

Chicken Pox? Thats a Cold thang.

Eb the Celeb said...

"It also demonstrates hoe I relate to the opposite sex"

I hope that is a typo and you meant how and not

Jameil said...

hilarity!! i'm picturing you sitting in your apartment going "what does this bean bag chair mean?"

and i thought the same thing as eb abt the freudian slip typo!!

CNEL said...

LoL hooray for your being well.

Even bigger hooray for GRADUATION 2008.

This election is well, yea.

"Objects are manifestations of ideas and relationships."

A very true statement.

kathi said...

Okay, I've read all and caught up. Poor babe, chicken pox?? Geeze, sorry about that. It's really serious when adults get it, I'm so glad you're okay!

The guy on youtube, pretty cool.

I'm excited about you graduating...just the beginning for you. I'm really looking forward to reading about life outside of college for you. It's exciting!

I'm wondering if going to the fridge as soon as you walk in the door is a guy trait, cause every guy I've ever known has done that.

I'm glad to know you're good.

p_nami said...

Can I call you a college graduate now?!

Tabu said...

Congrats on your college graduation. If you can't be good be careful.