Monday, March 01, 2010

The Homosexual Question

My mom and I have been debating homosexuality recently. Recently, she became more religious. She used to have gay friends and never commented on their lifestyle.Now all of a sudden, homosexuality is a sin. "Those people" are sinners, evil, despicable or any other adjective that puts homosexuals in some sort of weirdo category.

But guess what? GASP! All that homosexuality is is a natural variance in human sexual behavior. Every single human culture/society that has ever existed in the 250,000 year lifespan of the homo sapiens has had homosexuals. It is plain and simple. Homosexuals are not weirdos. They are not sinful. Shit, most cultures don't even have the concept of sin. All homosexuality is is a natural variation in human sexual behavior. That is it.

My study of anthropology and archaeology has shown me this. Homosexuals in many cultures became shamans, religious/medical people in their society. Native Americans called them twin-spirits. Societies in Africa and Australia had homosexual members. I am pretty sure there may have even been gay Neandertals.
It comes down to this. Homosexuality is just another part of human nature. Just because you do not practice it doesn't mean it is evil...

Check out this link. You may find it interesting

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very simplistic way to describe a rather large pill to swallow for some. Very well stated.